Gitlab CI/CD

Gitlab CI/CD

2018, Jul 12    

Let’s start use gitlab ci/cd in following steps:

First version is based on a simple hello world python project test-python:

webapp folder is the application is the unit test for application is the deploy script 
.gitlab-ci.yml is the gitlab ci/cd control file

When new checkin is pushed to gitlab, there will trigger the unit test for application and then deploy to environment (some vm in digtalocean). Then you will see the pipelines via:

pipelines result

Apparently this solution is not well structed.

Let’s separate the develop code from application code into two projects:



python-app is the project with application and simple unit test:

piplines result for python-app

python-ci is the project which will deploy the application to environment:

piplines result for python-ci

The environment for application will be visited via:

link for application


When you need to trigger one project by another project, you need to add pipeline trigger by [settings]->[CI/CD] and click [Add trigger] under [pipeline trigger], then you will get trigger token: pipeline trigger

When you trigger from another project, you will write some code like

 - curl --request POST --form "token=$CI_TOKEN" --form ref=master

the project id “7458040” will be get via [settings]->[general] and expand [Project general] tab:

project id